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NLP Practitioner

NLP Practitioner education

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a field where you learn to understand human behavior, communicate more effectively, and enhance personal development combined with professional growth. NLP Practitioner is the basic training required to become a skilled NLP practitioner.


At Mental Terapi, students can take an NLP Practitioner course that gives them enough academic weight to enter the world of NLP. NLP Practitioner training provides participants with the knowledge needed to master all life skills and learn about the principles that can be used to develop personal and professional relationships. In addition to learning the techniques, the training will also help participants develop deep self-awareness and self-insight. 




Participating in the NLP Practitioner 

The NLP Practitioner is step 1 of the three training courses at Mental Terapi. To successfully complete the education you need at least an MBO/HBO work and thinking level.


Learning goals


•  Strengthen your self-awareness

•  Increase your skills for social effectiveness

•  Reprogram your brain

•  Strive for optimal progress and performance

•  Recognize opportunities to develop personal growth

•  Interact in a way that forms a deep connection with others

•  Communicate honestly, transparently and confidently

•  Develop dynamic skills for people

•  Learn to implement NLP principles in everyday relationships

•  Create a vision for the future

•  Use NLP to adjust with values

•  Use an effective goal setting process to achieve success

•  Conflict intervention

•  Build conflict-resistant relationships

•  Beat procrastination

NLP Practitioner Modules:


Module 1:

- NLP as a philosophy of life, form of communication and coaching methodology

- sensory preferences and how the body and brain function

- effective communication techniques

- own and others' language patterns

- trust and relationship building

- structure processes to the desired goal

Module 2:  

Awareness raising and practical exercises for  

- to communicate and lead successfully: rapport, pacing-leading  

active listening, questioning techniques  

- The language models Meta - and Milton model, chunking, metaphors

to be able to release / strengthen inner driving forces, motivation

- resource anchoring

- to use the emotions in a smart way in condition management

- lead oneself and others purposefully in development processes

Module 3:

Understanding of own behavior patterns / internal programs / strategies  

- optimize / change them by submodality techniques and mental training

- create more awareness, choices, flexibility in the use of perception positions,  Logical Levels, reframing techniques

-use techniques to integrate different personality traits, resolve internal and external conflicts, remove limitations, change self-sabotaging behaviors

Module 4:

Awareness raising and practical exercises

- to identify and expand decision-making and motivation strategies

- management of inhibitory experiences, blockades, anxiety, phobias

- mental goal training, reframing and other techniques on the timeline

Module 5:  

Awareness raising and practical exercises for  

- trans language

- use of metaphors

-  hypnosis

Module 6:

- personal integration of NLP

- evaluation and examination

- certification


kr 78000,-

(is plus minus € 7800,- depending on the exchange rate)

and is exempt from VAT.

Exam / certification

Certification according to international standards defined by

the Norwegian Association for Coaching & NLP. 

Oral examination and demonstration of selected NLP techniques.

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NLP Practitioner

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